We know there are many international humanitarian projects touching Tibet and the Tibetan people. With this page we hope to increase your awareness and the visibility of these activities. We want to expand this list, so if you know of any projects or efforts not mentioned here, please provide us information us by E-mail. Thanks!

  • Sponsor the Education of a Tibetan Child
    One of the most crucial responsibilities of Tibetans in India is to educate the children who are the future seeds of Tibet. To ensure the education of the next generation, a sponsorship program has been established for Tibetan refugees, mainly in South India. This program is under the administration of the Council for Tibetan Education, Dharamasala, India.
    Sponsorship for a Tibetan child to attend boarding school is $10 per month. Sponsors send an annual sum of $120 and an additional $1 per month (optional) to help defray the administrative expenses of the program here in the U.S.A. The U.S. representative forwards all funds to the Council for Tibetan Education to make the international money transfer efficient. Please join the TRA Program and make a difference in the lives of Tibetan children.
    Contact: Ngawang Jorden, P.O Box 381144, Cambridge, MA 02238 or phone (617) 547-5481.


  • The Shakyamuni Community Health Care Centre 
    in Bodhgaya, India has no major sponsor and is run solely through your kind donations.

  • SEVA
    This is an organiztion involved in work to prevent blindness in India, Nepal, and Tibet.


  • How You Can Help Tibet
    Suggestions by the Tibetan Government In Exile.


  • Paper Road/Tibet
    Reintroducing the art of making paper back into Tibet. After the mass destruction of monasteries by the Chinese, the printing of sacred texts on hand made paper was virtually eliminated. Papermaking and the special methods used to produce paper that lasts hundreds of years, dissappeared in Tibet. This is a attempt to bring it back.

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